
Winchester Republicans believe that economic and political freedom are inseparable – the basic right of every citizen. We remain focused on helping every person in Winchester productively pursue their own preferences, talents, and interests (their own happiness). We embrace both individualism and diversity – as flip sides of the same coin.  The unique experiences of individuals enrich us, and drive innovation.  We want the people of Winchester, and all Americans, to have every opportunity that chance, hard work, and talent permit.

We meet monthly, (generally) at 7:00 pm on the the 3rd Monday of Each Month, at Town Hall, in the Winchester Room (1st Floor)
Get By The Numbers

By The Numbers is a 25-year comprehensive annual look at Revenue, Expense, and Debt in Winchester, sponsored by the Winchester Republican Town Committee. The 2020 Forum will be held on at WinCam on Swanton Street, on Monday March 9, between 7:00 pm and 8:15 pm.

Moderated by John Miller, with past Finance Committee Chairs Patricia Clewley and Michelle Prior.

Watch By The Numbers 2019 On WinCam