Individual Economic and Political Freedom
Economic and political freedom are inseparable parts of individual freedom, inalienable to every citizen. Each of us is free to pursue his or her own preferences, talents, and interests (their “happiness”) rather than being forced to pursue those of someone else.
We believe individualism and diversity are the same. We embrace both. Unique individual experiences enrich us, driving innovation. We want Americans to have each opportunity that chance, hard work, and talent permit.
We do not believe that individual rights entitle anyone to be selfish at someone else’s expense. Rather, individual rights require that each of us treat each other with mutual respect and tolerance. Responsibility for our own actions and for not hindering others in the pursuit of happiness are essential to these rights.
In general, we support smaller government because it is less likely to be used by special interests to arbitrarily interfere with the unique interests, preferences, and talents of individual citizens. We don’t believe there is a “majority” view on every topic or a “correct” answer to every question – nor should there be in a nation as diverse as ours. Such topics and questions should not be “resolved” by laws or policy that place one minority view ahead of another.
Nor do we believe in anarchy. Government is necessary to protect us from denial of individual access to the economy, fraud and deception, monopoly, price-fixing, and unfair competition. While our constitutions authorize legislatures to suppress such conduct, they don’t authorize legislatures to impose it. This is why American law should be limited to long-term general rules, made in advance, of universal application to all, and enforced impartially under the common law.
We support the American Rule of Law under our Constitutions, with allocated powers among the people, the states, and the national government, broad liberty rights retained by the people, the police power retained by each state to preserve the common exercise of liberty rights, enumerated legislative powers exercisable only by an elected Congress, separation of national powers among Congress, the Executive, and the Judiciary, and reasoned development of the common law by an independent judiciary.
We support individual freedom because it is race and gender neutral, is independent of personality traits, respects the unique preferences, interests, and talents of each of us, and excludes no-one.
As Abraham Lincoln, founder of the Republican party, said: “[t]hose who deny freedom to others deserve it not themselves.”
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